By: Itaú Unibanco Holding S.A.
At Itaú Unibanco, we understand the importance that the climate change topic has globally, in addition to its impact on society as a whole. As a financial institution, we engage with all of the economy’s production sectors and, accordingly, we believe we have the potential to influence positive transformations in society and foster a low-carbon economy.
We are in favor of comparability and materiality of disclosures on climate in all industries and, for this reason, we are working on the progressive alignment of our disclosure related to climate change with the recommendations of the TCFD.
MORE INFORMATIONTaking into consideration the relevant role of the financial and capital industry as an agent of transition to the new economy, this document brings transparency to our actions with respect to the climate finance agenda. Among our activities is the assessment and consideration of the risks and opportunities for our clients, our businesses and society with respect to climate change.
Climate risks and opportunities may affect the analyses of credit, operational, reputational and market risks of financial institutions. Therefore, the companies we finance and invest in will have to adapt to this new reality and the financial industry will have to increasingly incorporate these issues into their analyses of risks and opportunities.