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The Task Force’s Recommendations

1. What are the documents released by the Task Force and how are they related?

2. What are the TCFD recommendations?

3. Does the Task Force provide guidance to help implement the recommendations?

4. Who supports the Task Force’s recommendations?

Benefits of Disclosure

5. What are the benefits to preparers of implementing the recommendations?

6. What are some of the overall benefits of the recommendations?


7. Are the Task Force’s recommendations mandatory for companies?

8. Which companies are encouraged to implement the recommendations and why?

9. Does the Task Force specify a timeframe for implementing the recommendations?

10. How long should the resulting disclosures be?

11. Should preparers implement the guidance for all sectors before the supplemental guidance?

Key Elements of the Recommendations

Scope of the Recommendations

12. What is unique about the Task Force’s recommendations?

13. Are the recommendations limited to certain jurisdictions?

14. How do the recommendations relate to other climate-related disclosure frameworks?


15. Does the Task Force define "materiality"?

16. How do the recommendations incorporate materiality?

Location of Disclosure

17. Where should preparers disclose?

18. Are companies being asked to develop a new, separate “TCFD” report?

19. What if the recommendations are in conflict with national disclosure requirements for financial filings?

20. What are "financial filings"?

21. What are "other official company reports"?

Scenario Analysis

22. What is "scenario analysis" and what does the Task Force recommend on scenario analysis?

23. What is the significance of a "2°C or lower" scenario?

24. How does the Task Force address different organizations’ capacity to perform scenario analysis?

25. How does scenario analysis differ from a stress test or forecast?

GHG Emissions and Other Metrics

26. Why does the Task Force recommend disclosure of GHG emissions?

27. Why should asset owners and asset managers disclose weighted average carbon intensity?

28. Does the Task Force specify a carbon price?

About the Task Force

29. What is the Task Force?

30. What is the Financial Stability Board (FSB)?


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Risk Management

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Metrics & Targets

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