I4CE has published a series of three Climate Briefs on the management of climate-related risks by financial actors. The analysis presented in these three Climate Briefs focuses on transition risks. These special edition technical notes present the key stakes around this issue by focusing on three questions:
- Why should financial actors align their portfolios with a 2°C pathway to manage transition risks?
- How could financial actors manage their exposure to climate risks?
- How should financial actors deal with climate-related issues in their portfolios today?
Author: Australian Council of Superannuation Investors
Industry Group: All Industry Groups
Guidance / Tool - 2017
These guidelines set out the core principles for corporate governance which are deemed material by the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI) members. The principles include board oversight of material risks, long-term value creation and transparency.
This report builds upon Ceres’ 2015 “View from the Top" report and focuses on the skills and experience needed for board members to provide thoughtful oversight of sustainability risks and opportunities, in addition to the tools and processes that can help foster deeper engagement at the board level around these issues.
This toolbox contains a scenario spreadsheet allowing users to access granular and enhanced scenario data for financial analysis, across sectors, geographies, time horizons, and beliefs about transition pathways.
Industry Group: Energy, Materials and Buildings, Transportation
Guidance / Tool - 2017
This report develops reference transition scenarios tailored for financial risk and scenario analysis by companies, equity and credit research analyst and financial institutions. This includes two transition risk scenarios for a 3°-4°C decarbonization range and a 2°C transition covering Power Utilities, Automotive, Steel, Cement, Aviation, Shipping sectors and Cross sector.
This updated document highlights the importance of considering risk in both the strategy-setting process and in driving performance. The first part of the updated publication offers a perspective on current and evolving concepts and applications of enterprise risk management. The second part, the Framework, is organized into five easy-to-understand components that accommodate different viewpoints and operating structures, and enhance strategies and decision-making.
AODP Global Climate 500 Index rates the world’s 500 biggest asset owners – pension funds, insurers, sovereign wealth funds, foundations and endowments – on their success at managing climate risk within their portfolios, based on direct disclosures and publicly available information.
Author: International Capital Market Association (ICMA) Group
Industry Group: Financial
Guidance / Tool - 2017
This guidance document provides guidelines for green bond issuers to promote transparency in the developing green bond market. This document has been listed as an example of a climate-related opportunity in the TCFD Final Report Annex.
This report presents a methodology to quantify exposure to physical climate risk in equity portfolios by identifying the locations of corporate production and retail sites around the world and their vulnerability to climate change hazards.