This online platform is designed to empower policymakers, researchers, median and other stakeholders with the open climate data and resources they need to gather insights on national and global progress on climate change. It brings together dozens of datasets to let users analyze and compare the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement, access historical emissions data, discover how countries can leverage their climate goals to achieve their sustainable development objectives, and use models to map new pathways to a lower carbon, prosperous future.
The GRESB Infrastructure Assessment is a framework for systematic assessment, objective scoring, and peer benchmarking of the ESG performance of infrastructure investments. The GRESB Infrastructure Assessment is designed to address the need of institutional investors for information about critical aspects of ESG performance through a flexible, globally applicable reporting and benchmarking framework.
GRESB is the global standard for ESG benchmarking and reporting for listed property companies, private property funds, developers and investors that invest directly in real estate. The assessment evaluates performance against 7 sustainability aspects and contains approximately 50 indicators, e.g. energy consumption, GHG emissions, water consumption and waste.
Author: Ceres, CDP, Investor Group on Climate Change, Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change, Asia Investor Group on Climate Change
Industry Group: Oil and Gas
Research / Insights - 2017
This report shows how through persistent engagement on climate change risks – either via private dialogue or through public challenge using shareholder resolutions, or both – institutional investors are having a major influence on the conduct and board-level decision-making of key oil and gas majors.
The World Energy Outlook (WEO) is published every year by the IEA providing energy-market analysis and projections. It uses a scenario-based approach to highlight the key choices, consequences, and contingencies that lie ahead, and to illustrate how the course of the energy system may be affected by changing some of the key variables.
This report outlines the Environment Agency Pension Fund's climate change investment beliefs, principles and goals and their progress towards them. The report utilizes the scenario analysis developed by Mercer in their study "Investing In a Time of Climate Change" as the primary resource to assess and monitor climate risk.
Industry Group: Agriculture, Food, and Forest Products
Guidance / Tool - 2017
This webpage is the home of the Modelling System for Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change (MOSAICC) developed by the UNFAO in partnership with European. MOSAICC takes an interdisciplinary approach integrating five main model components to provide a tool to carry out climate change impact assessment at the national level.
The home of Europe's Climate Information Portal (CLIPC) that provides access to Europe's climate data and information. CLIPC information includes data from satellite and in-situ observations, climate models, data re-analyses, and transformed data products enabling impact assessments and assessment of climate change impact indicators
Author: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Industry Group: All Industry Groups
Guidance / Tool - 2017
IIASA's Energy Program hosts a number of climate scenario databases for the integrated assessment modelling community, with some open to the wider public.
This US EPA webpage provides details of and resources for the CREAT risk assessment application that helps water utilities to adapt to extreme weather events by better understanding current and long-term weather conditions.
The Global Calculator is a free and interactive tool that helps you to understand the link between our lifestyles, the energy we use, and the consequences for our climate. It is aimed at anyone interested in exploring what a low-carbon world could look like in 2050.