Global Forest Watch Water (GFW Water) joins the Global Forest Watch suite of interactive online forest monitoring tools designed to empower people everywhere with the information they need to better manage and conserve forest landscapes. GFW Water provides powerful information to help catalyze a global movement to enhance water security and bolster economic development through natural infrastructure.
The Partnership for Resilience and Preparedness (PREP) was formed in 2016 around a simple principle - that climate and socioeconomic data should be accessible and usable for everyone. PREP is a partnership of leading research institutions, government agencies, adaptation practitioners, and technology companies, working to empower communities and businesses around the world to build resilience to climate change by improving access to data, creating best-in-class tools, and helping people navigate the complicated resilience planning landscape.
This working paper outlines a recommended methodology for estimating and reporting the potential emissions from fossil fuel reserves held by coal, oil, and gas companies. The overall goal is the availability of transparent, credible, and consistent data on potential emissions that help illuminate companies’ effects on the carbon budget and inform investment strategies and decisions to use reserves.
This instrument requires companies to complete the Form 58-101F1 detailing the company's corporate governance policies and practices on an annual basis. National Instrument 58-201 provides the related guidelines.
This paper discusses the impact of internalizing environmental costs onto a firm’s balance sheet and the consequent risks this creates for commercial banks. Two industries, namely thermal power and cement production, are selected for stress testing against a range of high, medium and low stress scenarios and the impact on their financial performance and credit ratings is assessed as a result.
The management report must include a balanced assessment of the business, including expected development and the significant opportunities and risks which must be assessed and explained, including the underlying assumptions. The report should also include the company's risk management objectives and policies.
The group management report must include a balanced assessment of the business, including expected development and the significant opportunities and risks which must be assessed and explained, including the underlying assumptions. The report should also include the Group's risk management objectives and policies.
Author: MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research
Industry Group: Electric Utilities, Energy
Research / Insights - 2016
This paper reviews the value and limits of energy scenarios and, in particular, to assess how the new low-carbon goals are reflected in the latest projections. This relatively new dimension of the scenarios means that in addition to the traditional factors like technology development, demographic, economic, political and institutional considerations, there is another aspect of the modern energy forecasts related to the coverage, timing, and stringency of policies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants.
IRENA’s REmap programme determines the potential for countries, regions and the world to scale up renewables. The roadmap focuses not just on renewable power technologies, but also technology options in heating, cooling and transport. Based on these country driven results, REmap provides insights to policy and decision makers for areas in which action is needed.
The Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP) is a global collaboration of energy research teams charting practical pathways to deeply reducing greenhouse gas emissions in their own countries. The initial results of this collaboration are reflected in reports on deep decarbonization pathways for Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan Mexico, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, United Kingdom and United States.
In this report Mercer have used scenario analysis and have adapted their prospective investment modelling tool to consider some of the potential future climate change pathways, the impact these may have from an economic perspective and the implications for investors.
This is a series of webpages detailing the range of technologies used in the capture, transport and storage of carbon dioxide that combine in a chain to provide Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) of emissions produced from the use of fossil fuels in electricity generation and industrial processes, preventing carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere.