Charting a New Climate is a report on physical climate risks and opportunities from Phase II of its Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Banking Programme with climate risk advisory and analytics firm, Acclimatise. The report, “Charting a New Climate”, provides a state-of-the-art blueprint to support financial institutions to navigate the changing physical climate risk landscape.
The TCFD Phase II banking pilot engaged thirty-nine global financial institutions on six continents. The programme empowered participants to identify, assess, and manage their climate risks and opportunities. Complete with case studies from participating banks, the report investigates leading practices on critical topics related to the physical impacts of climate change. The report also gives financial institutions an expanded toolbox with which to approach this important work. Beyond the tangible benefits to participating institutions, the insights contained within the report are also relevant for organisations across the finance sector.
The toolkit developed in Phase II provides a comprehensive way for organisations to consider their physical risks and opportunities and move from assessment to action.